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September Athlete of the Month

Congratulations to Damon Bond for being named the September Athlete of the Month. Damon is a regular at the 5:00 am class, he comes to work hard, and is always receptive to coaching and feedback. He has done an amazing job of not only improving his fitness but also changing his diet and it shows. We appreciate having him and his sense of humor at the gym!

1. Please tell us about yourself. My parents, my sister, and myself moved to New Castle in 1977. I love this area as it offers many activities that I enjoy. Mainly the outdoors. I love to hunt, fish, camp, golf, and just be able to sit on my patio and enjoy the scenery that is close. I met my wife Paige here and we have enjoyed raising our kids in this area as well. Now we are watching them raise our grandkids.

2. When did you become a member at Defiance West? In April 2018

3. What made you join Defiance West and why do you do it now? It was offered at my work and I decided it was time to stop making excuses and implement a habit in my life that could provide long term results. I do it now because it is a lifestyle change that I couldn’t imagine being without. I feel better not only physically but mentally as well. I know I am helping myself stay healthy and not just accepting that I’m getting older.

4. What were your thoughts after your first workout? “It won’t be easy, but I have to do this!”

5. What is your athletic background? Played football in grade school through middle school. Got more into baseball in my high school years and played several positions from catcher to outfield.

6. What is your favorite movement or workout? Oh man, there are several but I would have to say my favorite movement is a burpee and my favorite workout would be a “Cindy”

7. What is your least favorite? I’d have to say overhead squats just due to the complexity of the movement.

8. What has been your favorite or proudest moment since joining? It’s really hard to pick just one, but I would have to say that my latest visit to my doctor in January for my annual physical in which the evaluation and blood panel solidified everything that this venture has been for.

9. How has Defiance West changed your life, lifestyle, and level of fitness? In every way! I have a greater determination in every aspect of each.

10. What are your fitness goals for this year? Just to keep on being committed and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

11. What is something most people don’t know about you? I have a whiskey collection.

12. What advice would you give to people looking to get started at our gym? Stay focused on why you started, no matter how difficult it gets sometimes. Rely on the people who train you and the family that is Defiance West. If it is something you really want, you won’t fail.


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